Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Episode 4 - December 15th 2009

This episode features some seriously heavy stuff.

There were no special guests, but the music speaks for itself.

Here's the link:

mosh most in your living room/basement/bedroom/cars.

Episode 3 - December 8th 2009

Here's the link to the 2nd episode! Sorry about the delay, I was unable to sign into the blog to post anything for awhile!

This episode features Alex Leggett of Snaketrust and Shits Weak, and also Zakk Higgs from Shits Weak.

We talked about the band's history and the upcoming production company, Shoes Untied Productions.

Check out the show! Mosh most in your basement/living room/bedroom/car!

Link =

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

season 3, vol. 2

Keep It Real Radio started in 2005 at CFRC. This is the third season of the show, and hopefully it'll be the best. Tune in each Tuesday at midight by streaming from or setting your radio to 101.9fm (in the Kingston area)

Here's a download link to last night's episode:

The show features new and old punk, hardcore and metal song as well as local rappers and interviews with bands. Local shows are also discussed.

Please message me if you have any questions, comments or requests.